Within the actions for the benefit of the 4 schools, IPL is happy to share with all the students of CPE, ECAM LaSalle, ISARA and ITECH a cycle of conferences and debates about Ecological and Energy Transition.
Very involved in the sustainable development approach, IPL schools organize a series of events around the Ecological and Energy Transition in the next weeks :
May 2nd, 2023 at ISARA: Workshop-debate “Ecology: Stop to the preconceived ideas! How to sort out what is true and what is false? With the participation of Valère Corréard, journalist specialised in the ecological transition and author of the book “25 idées reçues sur l’écologie à déconstruire de toute urgence” (Marabout, March 2022). Registrations here.
May 10th, 2023 at CPE: Conference – debate by Jean Jouzel “Global warming: from observations to solutions”. Registration here.
May 24th at 5.30 pm – online: webinar “Decarbonising energy: what role for nuclear power?”, in collaboration with PNC France.