Outgoing students
Supporting the international experience of students
BRMIE grants
The Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region makes a significant contribution to the international experience of students in Europe and beyond. IPL has coordinated the management of these grants since 2007 and AURA Region allocated funds to finance the post of the officer in charge until 2016.
In 2022-2023 around 520 students were granted the BRMIE, spending over 5,000 weeks abroad for academic courses and work placements. IPL enables an optimal use of Regional subsidies so that the maximum number of students carry out their experience abroad.
IPL Erasmus+ Consortium
IPL has been accredited by the French Erasmus Agency, as an “ERASMUS consortium”, since 2001, and IPL schools have all received the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education for the period 2021-2027: CPE, ECAM LASALLE, ISARA and ITECH.
The consortium optimizes the use of the grants across the 4 schools, thus :
- Improving the quality of service provided to the student in supporting the exchange of knowledge and best practices for the preparation, support and assessment of placement and study abroad periods.
- Increasing the number of students benefiting of work placements or study abroad periods, as well as the number of partner companies and partner universities abroad.
- Supporting the internationalization of teaching and administrative staff, through STA and STT mobility.
IPL coordinates the project administrative and financial management, so that the schools can dedicate more time to students’ pedagogical support and preparation.
Increase the inclusiveness and diversity of Erasmus+ program
Together with the fight against climate change, one of the Erasmus program priority is an Inclusion and Diversity strategy.
This Strategy aims to help addressing the barriers different target groups may face in accessing such opportunities within Europe and beyond.
Since the end of 2021, IPL offers a complementary grant to students :
- With disabilities or health diseases
- Living in remote or rural areas
- Living in economic disadvantage like a low standard of living
- Using green transportation for their mobility
More informations on Erasmus+ Inclusion strategy here.
The consortium enables:
- the increase of students and staff skills and abilities to further improve their employabilityy
- the multicultural understanding,
- students adaptability and soft skills (initiative, autonomy, sense of responsibility, open-mindedness, adaptability and flexibility…),
- students’ command of foreign languages,
- in a few words, all skills and abilities to develop student’s career abroad.
For the partner schools the consortium improves the qualityof the preparation, monitoring and assessment of study abroad periods.
At the start in 2001, 24 students were supported by Erasmus through our IPL Consortium. In 2022, 405 students carried out a placement or study abroad period thanks to the Erasmus+ program. From 2020 on, IPL Consortium coordinates teaching and staff mobility as well as International Credit Mobility programs.